Be My Voice: Profanity Peak Pack 2

Urgent tweetstorm on behalf of the remaining wolf family members occupying the territory once home to the original Profanity Peak pack. This new wolf family has been referred to as the “Old Profanity Territory” wolves, or OPT wolves. We are calling them the #ProfanityPeakPack2, and will be utilizing this hashtag for our tweets. Feel free to add any images from this post to tweets that do not have an image or a link.

If you are not on twitter please send several emails and make a few phone calls on behalf of this, and other wolf families, destroyed in your national forests, in Washington state to benefit the profit margin of private businesses. Scroll to the bottom of this post where you will find everything you need to take action.

As usual, all tweets can be automatically sent by tapping “Tweet4Wolves” at the end of each tweet. For ease of tweeting, open this link on your browser and close your twitter window. Thank you for tweeting on behalf of the #ProfanityPeakPack2.

1. Sign the petition:
#StopTheSlaughter of #WAwolves #StandForWolves
#TogoPack #WedgePack #SmackoutPack #ProfanityPeakPack #ShermanPack
#ProfanityPeakPack2 Tweet4Wolves

2. Take Action: Tweet and email on behalf of Washington state’s wolves. Everything you need can be found here: #StopTheSlaughter of #WAwolves #StandForWolves #ProfanityPeakPack2 Tweet4Wolves

3. That #publiclands are to be exploited for profit rather than protected for life is a parochial concept @WDFW #TogoPack #ProfanityPeakPack #ShermanPack #WedgePack #SmackoutPack #ProfanityPeakPack2 Tweet4Wolves

4. The decision by @WDFW to kill 2 members of the #ProfanityPeakPack2, including a 5 month old pup, for the infraction of preying on cattle grazing on #publiclands is reprehensible @GovInslee #StopTheSlaughter of #WAwolves Tweet4Wolves

5. The decision by @WDFW to kill the only adult male of the #TogoPack knowing that this would likely lead to further depredations by the single remaining adult to feed the pups is outright #animalcruelty #StopTheSlaughter of #WAwolves Tweet4Wolves

6. Killing wolves to benefit the profit margin of private businesses utilizing public resources is an outrage. #StopTheSlaughter of #WAwolves @WDFW Protect our #wolves @GovInslee #ProfanityPeakPack2 Tweet4Wolves

7. .@WDFW was fully aware of the aerial gunners inability to distinguish a pup from an adult wolf allowing the grotesque and inhumane gunning of a pup @GovInslee #StopTheSlaughter of #WAwolves #ProfanityPeakPack2 Tweet4Wolves

8. Outrageous that @WDFW has killed multiple state-endangered wolves from four different packs at the behest of one single livestock operator @GovInslee #StopTheSlaughter of #WAwolves #ProfanityPeakPack2 Tweet4Wolves

9. Shameful! This is the 3rd time that #wolves have been removed from the same @forestservice lands in 3 yrs. @GovInslee #ProfanityPeakPack #ShermanPack #ProfanityPeakPack2 #StopTheSlaughter of #WAwolves Tweet4Wolves

10a. Internal documents show, as was the case with the #ProfanityPeakPack, that salt blocks were placed in areas of high wolf density, yet again! @GovInslee #StopTheSlaughter of #WAwolves #ProfanityPeakPack2 Tweet4Wolves

The next 3 tweets are best when replied to above tweet:

10b. Intentionally placing salt licks in areas of *known* high wolf density is encouraging depredation in an effort to seek out lethal wolf removal @GovInslee #ProfanityPeakPack2 #StopTheSlaughter of #WAwolves Tweet4Wolves

10c. WCS Joe McCanna stated that moving salt licks at this point is of no use as cattle will linger longer in area looking for salt blocks, @GovInslee @WDFW #ProfanityPeakPack2 Tweet4Wolves

10d. Therefore, @GovInslee this becomes a permanent lure enticing wolves to their death @WDFW on #publiclands! Unacceptable. #ProfanityPeakPack2 Tweet4Wolves

11. A new protocol must be examined to reduce conflict, @GovInslee, one that does not include taking lethal action in the same spot yearly. #ProfanityPeakPack #ShermanPack #SmackoutPack #ProfanityPeakPack2 Tweet4Wolves

12. The obvious solution @GovInslee is to close grazing allotments on @forestservice lands in this area; livestock should not take precedence over wildlife! #ProfanityPeakPack2 #StopTheSlaughter of #WAwolves Tweet4Wolves

13. McCanna stated that “incremental removal, or the loss of the pups would have no significant impact on wolf recovery.” The world is mortified! Has WA no sense of decency? #animalcruelty #ProfanityPeakPack2 #StopTheSlaughter of #WAwolves @GovInslee @WDFW Tweet4Wolves

14. .@GovInslee #WAWolves are #essential. Management of these magnificent animals should be based on science, allow for full public input, and not be sacrificed for the profit margin of the few. #StopTheSlaughter #ProfanityPeakPack2 Tweet4Wolves

15. .@GovInslee Killing members of the #ProfanityPeakPack2 is emblematic of what is wrong with our wildlife policies, especially with regards 2 #publiclands @WDFW Tweet4Wolves

16. What about preserving the ecological role of large predators on our #PublicLands. @GovInslee @WDFW @forestservice #StopTheSlaughter of #WAwolves #ProfanityPeakPack2 Tweet4Wolves

17. The mere presence of #livestock socially displaces the prey of predators, replacing the #wolves main food source @GovInslee @WDFW #StopTheSlaughter of #WAwolves #ProfanityPeakPack2 Tweet4Wolves

18. #StopTheSlaughter of #WAwolves @WDFW @GovInslee
#publiclands are for #wildlife including #wolves not #livestock #ProfanityPeakPack2 Tweet4Wolves

19. .@GovInslee The #ProfanityPeakPack2 originally consisted of 3 or 4 adults with 2 or 3 pups, and is occupying the territory once home to the original #ProfanityPeakPack. @WDFW subjected them to this: Tweet4Wolves

20. #ProfanityPeakPack2
.@GovInslee They killed one of the pups not even 6 months old on September 16th, and the mom lost her life via an aerial sharpshooter on the 28th. The mom! #animalcruelty
#StopTheSlaughter of #WAwolves Tweet4Wolves

Please send tweet 21b in reply to 21a.

21a. #Tweetsheet: #Tweet4Wolves #StandForWolves #StopTheSlaughter of #WAwolves #ProfanityPeakPack2 Tweet4Wolves

21b. #Tweet4Wolves and please also call Director Susewind @WDFW express your outrage at the ongoing removal of #ProfanityPeakPack2 members: (360) 902-2200 Tweet4Wolves

23. .@GovInslee: Yet another wolf family being destroyed to protect livestock grazing in #NationalForests on our dime.
#ProfanityPeakPack #ShermanPack #TogoPack #SmackoutPack #WedgePack
#StopTheSlaughter of #WAwolves Tweet4Wolves

24. The way @WDFW are slaughtering #wolves is an outrage! #ProfanityPeakPack #ShermanPack #WedgePack #SmackoutPack #TogoPack and now what will become of the #ProfanityPeakPack2 @GovInslee Save #WAwolves Tweet4Wolves

25. Displacing or slaughtering public #wildlife including #WAwolves to facilitate private use of our #publiclands is ethically wrong! @WDFW @GovInslee #StopTheSlaughter #ProfanityPeakPack2 Tweet4Wolves

26. We want #Wolves #Wildlife on our #PublicLands not livestock @WDFW @forestservice @GovInslee
#StopTheSlaughter of #WAwolves #ProfanityPeakPack2 Tweet4Wolves

27. We do not want our tax dollars to pay 4 the slaughter of #wolves at the behest of ranchers! @WDFW @GovInslee #publiclands are for #wildlife including #WAwolves #StopTheSlaughter #ProfanityPeakPack2 Tweet4Wolves

28. While livestock grazing is a legally permitted use of #publiclands, that use is contingent upon livestock production not harming public values @WDFW @GovInslee @forestservice #StopTheSlaughter of #WAwolves #ProfanityPeakPack2 Tweet4Wolves

29. The killing of wolves is an obvious harm to the public’s right to have healthy wildlife populations on our #publiclands especially in our forests! #StopTheSlaughter of #WAwolves #ProfanityPeakPack2 @GovInslee @WDFW @forestservice Tweet4Wolves

30. Ranchers grazing #livestock near known wolf habitat should gracefully accept losses &/or terminate their lease @forestservice @WDFW @GovInslee #StopTheSlaughter of #WAwolves #ProfanityPeakPack2 Tweet4Wolves

31. Ranchers getting subsidized forage on #publiclands have NO right demanding removal of #wolves @GovInslee @WDFW #StopTheSlaughter of #WAwolves #ProfanityPeakPack2 Tweet4Wolves

32. Ranchers allowed reimbursement 4 losses due 2 depredation on #publiclands have NO right demanding removal of #wolves @GovInslee @WDFW #StopTheSlaughter of #WAwolves #ProfanityPeakPack2 Tweet4Wolves

33. Ranchers should accept their losses when utilizing #publiclands or take their cattle & go home. #Wolves R essential, livestock is detrimental @WDFW @GovInslee #StopTheSlaughter of #WAwolves #ProfanityPeakPack2 Tweet4Wolves

34. Our #publiclands #ecosystems & #wolves should not be sacrificed 4 the private profit of individuals @GovInslee @WDFW @forestservice #StopTheSlaughter of #WAwolves #ProfanityPeakPack2 Tweet4Wolves

35. Preserving the ecological role of large predators & a balanced ecosystem on #publiclands is essential especially with regards to #NationalForests @GovInslee @forestservice @WDFW #StopTheSlaughter of #WAwolves #ProfanityPeakPack2 Tweet4Wolves

36. Grazing livestock depresses virtually all species of wildlife & has caused the demise of many #WAwolves @GovInslee @WDFW @forestservice #StopTheSlaughter #ProfanityPeakPack2 Tweet4Wolves

37. .@Govinslee The health of our planet & survival of our co-inhabitants should B of the utmost importance #StopTheSlaughter of #WAwolves #ProfanityPeakPack2 @WDFW @forestservice Tweet4Wolves

38. .@forestservice Our focus should B on eliminating that which degrades our forests & #PublicLands & destroys our ecosystems: Livestock @GovInslee @WDFW #StopTheSlaughter of #WAwolves #ProfanityPeakPack2 Tweet4Wolves

39. .@GovInslee The ongoing “removal” of our wolves at the behest of private businesses must stop! #WedgePack #SmackoutPack #ShermanPack #ProfanityPeakPack #TogoPack #ProfanityPeakPack2 #StopTheSlaughter of #WAwolves Tweet4Wolves

40. .@GovInslee Domestic livestock R appropriating & limiting the natural food/native prey that sustains #wolves @WDFW #StopTheSlaughter of #WAwolves #ProfanityPeakPack2 Tweet4Wolves

41. Will the #ProfanityPeakPack2 wind up as another entire wolf family destroyed as were the original #ProfanityPeakPack including the pups @GovInslee @WDFW @forestservice Tweet4Wolves

Send an email on behalf of the wolves of Washington state:

Dear Director Susewind and Mr. Martorello,

The lethal removal of one of the pups, not even 6 months old, from the OPT wolf pack on September 16th, is not only tragic, but reprehensible. The further removal of the pups mom (the breeding female) on September 28th is pure barbarity. According to your press release, the pack originally consisted of three or four adult members with two or three pups, occupying the territory once home to the Profanity Peak wolf family. Presently your department claims that the remaining wolves in the new Profanity Peak pack appear to be just one adult male and one juvenile (although the juvenile was not seen during the “removal” operation this week), yet there is no explanation as to what has happened to the other members of this family.

All 12 depredations, blamed on the OPT wolves (Profanity Peak Pack/2), were on national forest lands, public lands that belong to all Americans, and supported, financially, by all Americans who are stakeholders, and therefore have a say in how these lands are utilized. For the majority of us, displacing natural prey with an invasive species (aka cattle) is simply unacceptable. Certainly you are aware that these actions are widely condemned.

This “removal” may likely lead to the demise of yet another wolf family to benefit the bottom line of the same livestock operator. Your department has killed seventeen state-endangered wolves at the behest of one rancher. A rancher, who, to this day, continues to place his salt blocks in areas that are considered high wolf-livestock overlap.

The fact that Washington, home to over 7 million people, well over 1 million cattle, and approximately 50,000 plus sheep, can not allow room for a little over 120 wolves is just plain outrageous.

Ranchers getting subsidized forage on our public lands, reimbursement for losses due to depredation, as well as grazing livestock near known wolf habitat should gracefully accept their losses and/or terminate their lease. Our public lands and ecosystems should not be sacrificed for the private profit of individuals.

Study after study has demonstrated that grazing of livestock depresses virtually all species of wildlife, and on western rangelands has probably had a greater adverse impact on wildlife populations than any other single factor. We all have a responsibility to the Earth, our environment, and our wildlife, including wolves. It is far past time for the health of our planet and the survival of our co-inhabitants to be of the utmost importance; our focus should be on eliminating that which degrades our forests and other public lands and destroys our ecosystems. It is also far past time for the department to request the Forest Service close grazing allotments near known wolf territory.

The ongoing slaughter of our wildlife at the behest of private businesses needs to come to a full stop. The gunning down of 2 members of the Profanity Peak Pack/2 and a member of the Togo Pack for hunting prey in their rightful place, our public forests, is just plain wrong.

Protect our wildlife.


Your name here

Copy/paste (feel free to edit) and share your thoughts with those who allow the removal of wolves from our public lands in Washington:

Send a copy of your email to Donny Martorello (wolf policy lead) here:

Send another copy to Kelly Susewind (Director WDFW) here:

And another copy to the Commission here

Please also submit your comment to the WDFW wolf program here, and/or call (360) 902-2515

Please also send a slightly different letter to Governor Inslee here

Copy/paste and edit to your liking:

Dear Governor Inslee,

Study after study has demonstrated that grazing of livestock depresses virtually all species of wildlife, and on western rangelands has probably had a greater adverse impact on wildlife populations than any other single factor. We all have a responsibility to the Earth, our environment, and our wildlife, including wolves. It is far past time for the health of our planet and the survival of our co-inhabitants to be of the utmost importance; our focus should be on eliminating that which degrades our forests and other public lands and destroys our ecosystems. It is also far past time for your office to request the Forest Service close grazing allotments near known wolf territory, beginning with the grazing allotments with the highest wolf-livestock conflict: Stevens County.

The ongoing slaughter of our wildlife at the behest of private businesses needs to come to a full stop. The gunning down of 2 members of the Profanity Peak Pack/2 (OPT wolves) and a member of the Togo Pack for hunting prey in their rightful place, our public forests, is just plain wrong. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife has killed seventeen state-endangered wolves at the behest of one rancher. A rancher, who, to this day, continues to place his salt blocks in areas that are considered high wolf-livestock overlap. This simply is unacceptable.

The Wildlife Trust Doctrine, a branch of the Public Trust Doctrine, defines the obligation of the states responsibility and obligation to its citizens, and dictates that wildlife has no owners at all, and therefore belongs to all citizens equally. As a result, states have a “sovereign trust obligation” to ensure that wildlife resources are protected and managed responsibly, including the wolf, not just for the benefit of current citizens, but also over the long term. The Wildlife Trust Doctrine imposes a duty to ensure proper protection for Eastern Washington’s state-endangered wolves, as well as any other species no longer (or never) protected by the federal government.
Please protect our wildlife, including wolves on our shared public lands.

Thank you for your time and consideration of this urgent matter,

Your name here:

Again, send your letter to Governor Inslee here

Should you like to contact Director Susewind via phone: 360-902-2200
Should you like to contact Donny Martorello (wolf policy lead): (360) 902-2515
Should you care to call the Governor: (360) 902-4111

Take action:
Sign and please share the petition: Stop the Slaughter of Washington state’s wolves

Take action:
Legislation has been introduced year after year to retire grazing permits. This legislation is in the 115th Congress and therefore still has a chance to be considered before we move into the 116th Congress on January 3, 2019, and would “authorize voluntary grazing permit retirement on Federal lands managed by the Department of Agriculture or the Department of the Interior where livestock grazing is impractical.” Please ask your Congressperson to cosponsor, or support, H.R. 3624 via this petition from Wilderness Watch.

Visit our Creative Arts and Work shop here, or tap image above, for t-shirts, wall art and a variety of home decor. Up 100% of our profits are donated to organizations working towards the protection of wolves and our environment.

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