Final tweet sheet as of January 20, 2018 here.

***UPDATE – JANUARY 7, 2018***

The Oslo District Court decided (on January 5, 2018) that the Norwegian wolf hunt may continue. The temporary injunction has been dismissed by the court: the wolf hunt in Norway will continue, despite the fact that the wolf is a critically endangered species in Norway, classified as being near the brink of extinction. More information here: Though the wolf hunt will continue, WWF Norge will continue with their lawsuit.

Take action, please sign this petition: Please help raise awareness by sending off these tweets as often as possible. The tweetsheet is continuously being updated, refresh your page occasionally. Erna Solberg will be visiting President Trump in Washington, D.C. on January 10, 2018. Please expand your protest by adding the ambassador and embassy handles to the tweets below.

These are the handles to add: @kareraas, @NorwayUS, @NorwayMFA

On December 1st the Norwegian Department of Climate and Energy made a decision to allow the culling of 12 #wolves outside the wolf zone – a decision originally set aside by the Oslo District Court just several weeks ago in order to ensure a full legal review of whether today´s wolf management goes against the Norwegian law.

The department has also opened up for the culling of two wolf packs – that is 16 individual animals – inside the wolf zone in January. This means that a total of 42 wolves across the country can be culled this winter.

An abomination.
Full article
Wolves are listed as “critically endangered” on the Norwegian list of endangered animals, yet Norway is planning to “cull” approximately 90 percent (reduced to 75% in January/2018) of its remaining wolves — a move that will be disastrous for the dwindling members of the species in the wild. As many as 50 wolves (reduced to 42 individuals in January/2018) will be shot, from an estimated population of under 60 wolves which remain in the wilderness areas of Norway. The wolf hunt in Norway began October 1st, already 6 wolves have been killed (As of Jan 10th, 21 wolves have been killed; 15 were removed from the so-called wolf zone).
The decision to cull nearly 90 or even 75 percent of Norway’s wolves is inconsistent with the Berne Convention, the Draft Act and Predators Regulations. Norway is in violation of international agreements committed to ensuring the survival of wolves in Norwegian nature. A wealth of information can be found here, and also here. Information regarding congenital defects in a highly inbred wild wolf population can be found here. An excellent and informative article discussing Norway’s inability to accept the value of wolves can be found here.
World Wildlife fund is taking action against the wolf killing policy in Norway, more information about the lawsuit can be found here, where you can also donate to support this effort.
Today, November 21st, the wolf culling in regions covering Oslo, Østfold, Akershus and Hedmark has been stopped. Today the Oslo District Court ruled in favour of WWF-Norway’s demand for a temporary injunction.
*This means that the wolves cannot be hunted and killed until the case is tried in court, and a ruling is made.*
The ruling was done in connection with a lawsuit that WWF-Norway has filed against the Norwegian state, demanding a full assessment of the wolf management. A date has not yet been set for the case to be tried at the Oslo District Court.

“Suing the state is demanding in many ways but we feel that we do not have a choice, considering the current Norwegian wolf management. We need a sustainable management that ensures the wolf population in the long-run while at the same time initiating mitigating measures to reduce conflicts between wolves and grazing animals. – “Ingrid Lomelde, Policy Director, WWF Norway

Onward, tweet for wolves! All tweets are automated and can be sent by tapping #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴 at the end of each tweet. For ease of tweeting, please open this page on your browser and close your twitter window. If you are experiencing trouble sending tweets, then open the page on Twitter and send your tweets from there. Thanks very much for your help.

Video tweets are being edited and will be added on Monday, January 8, 2018.

Please add these handles to your tweets as often as possible: @kareraas @NorwayUS @NorwayMFA *Be sure to add handles prior to image link*
Again, All tweets are automated and can be sent by tapping #SaveOurWolves at the end of each tweet.

Please note: @VidarHelgesen is no longer the Minister of Climate and Environment @olaelvestuen has been appointed by Erna Solberg (January 2018) Please do not send tweets below which are addressed to Vidar Helgesen as they will be inaccurate. The final tweet sheet as of January 20, 2018 can be found here, with the appropriate handles added.

1. #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴 #verdtåbevare #Norway #StandForWolves #EndangeredSpecies #extinction #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴

2. #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴 #verdtåbevare #Norway #StandForWolves #EndangeredSpecies #extinction Please help @WWFNorge #SaveWolves #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴

3. Norway’s green & humanitarian principles debased with proposed cull of 42 critically endangered #wolves Shame on #Norway #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴 #verdtåbevare! #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴

4. #Norway Grønne og humanitære prinsipper fornedret med foreslåtte cull av 42 kritisk truede #wolves #Verdtåbevare! #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴 #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴

5. Culling 42 endangered #wolves cuts 2 the heart of Norway’s image as a broadminded, liberal, green nation. #Verdtåbevare! #SaveOurWolves #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴

6. Culling 42 truede #wolves kutter to hjertet av Norge image som en broadminded, liberal, grønn nasjon. #Verdtåbevare! #SaveOurWolves #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴

7. 80% of Norwegians, in urban & rural areas, want 2 keep #wolves at healthy populations #Verdtåbevare #SaveOurWolves #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴

8. 80% av nordmenn, i urbane og rurale områder, want2 holde #wolves på sunne bestander #Verdtåbevare #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴 #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴

9. .@erna_solberg #Wolves are crucial for the ecosystem #verdtåbevare #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴 #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴

10. .@erna_solberg #Wolves avgjørende for økosystem #verdtåbevare #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴 #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴

11. .@VidarHelgesen #Wolves are crucial for the ecosystem #verdtåbevare #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴 #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴

12. .@VidarHelgesen #Wolves avgjørende for økosystem #verdtåbevare #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴 #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴

13. Norwegian officials approved killing of 42 #wolves, 75% of the population-slated 4 extinction thru inbreeding #SaveOurWolves #verdtåbevare #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴

14. This proposed cull is indicative of the brutal treatment predators receive in Scandinavian countries! #SaveOurWolves @VidarHelgesen #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴

15. Denne foreslåtte cull er et tegn på den brutale behandlingen rovdyr får i skandinaviske land! #SaveOurWolves @VidarHelgesen #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴

16. Norway’s image as the saviour of the ecosystem is completely undermined by this slaughter of #wolves @erna_solberg #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴 #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴

17. Norge image som frelser av økosystemet er fullstendig undergravd av denne slaktingen av #wolves @erna_solberg #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴 #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴

18. #StandForWolves #SaveWolves #ProtectWolves Please #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴 @VidarHelgesen #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴

19. Norway’s image as the saviour of the ecosystem is completely undermined by this slaughter of #wolves @VidarHelgesen #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴 #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴

20. #SaveOurWolves @VidarHelgesen @erna_solberg Yearly over 2million sheep R released into the forests & mountains of Norway without supervision… #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴

21. #SaveOurWolves @VidarHelgesen @erna_solberg Around 1,500 sheep, at the most, are killed by #wolves – farmers richly compensated for loss… #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴

22. .@VidarHelgesen @erna_solberg Far more sheep (over 100,000) die for other reasons yet the wolf is 2 blame? #SaveOurWolves No wolf hunt! #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴

23. Pls consider the essentiality @erna_solberg #verdtåbevare #SaveOurWolves #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴

24. Pls consider the essentiality @VidarHelgesen #verdtåbevare #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴 #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴

25. The situation 4 #wolves in Norway is already grim. Just 1% of the country is designated a “wolf zone”, in which the animals are/were “allowed” to exist. #Norway shamefully culls wolves to strikingly low levels. #verdtåbevare #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴 #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴

26. Norway’s #Wolf Policy and the Bern Convention on #Wildlife: Avoiding the “Manifestly Absurd” @erna_solberg @VidarHelgesen #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴 #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴

27. When #Norway ratified the Bern Convention in 1986 it did not avail itself of the opportunity to file a reservation with regard to #wolves #verdtåbevare #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴 #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴

28. As the wolf is listed as a “strictly protected fauna species” in Appendix II of the Convention, #Norway is under an obligation, inter alia, to prohibit any killing of #wolves #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴 #verdtåbevare #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴

29. #Norway is under an obligation as stipulated in Article 9 of the Convention, that the culling of #wolves “will not be detrimental to the survival of the population concerned.” #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴 @erna_solberg @VidarHelgesen #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴

30. Other relevant provisions of the Bern Convention require Norway, inter alia, to ensure a certain #wolf population level, protect wolf habitat, and outlaw particular means of killing @erna_solberg @VidarHelgesen #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴 #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴

31. Norway compensates farmers richly 4 livestock losses due to wolves, creating an impetus for inflated depredation numbers @erna_solberg @VidarHelgesen #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴 #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴

32. In reality #wolves are responsible for barely 2% of livestock loss in Norway @erna_solberg @VidarHelgesen #SaveOurWolves #verdtåbevare #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴

33. Article 2 of the Bern Convention: “The Contracting Parties shall take requisite measures to maintain wild flora and fauna at, or adapt it to, a level which corresponds in particular to ecological, scientific and cultural requirements.” @erna_solberg #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴 #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴

34. Article 2 of the Bern Convention: “The Contracting Parties shall take requisite measures to maintain wild flora and fauna at, or adapt it to, a level which corresponds in particular to ecological, scientific and cultural requirements.” @VidarHelgesen #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴 #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴

35. The wolf is an enrichment for many Norwegians who appreciate being able to experience nature in its full complexity. @erna_solberg @VidarHelgesen #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴 #verdtåbevare #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴

36. The decision to cull 75% of Norway’s #wolves is inconsistent with the Berne Convention, the Draft Act and Predators Regulations! #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴 #verdtåbevare @erna_solberg @VidarHelgesen #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴

37. The wolf population is already very small and critically endangered. To eradicate 75% of such a vulnerable species is shocking @erna_solberg @VidarHelgesen #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴 Shame on #Norway #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴

Video tweets (refresh your page occasionally as more tweets are added throughout this campaign).

38. Norwegian officials approved killing of 42 critically #endangered #wolves,75% of the population. This will seal their fate: #extinction thru inbreeding #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴 #Verdtåbevare @erna_solberg @VidarHelgesen @NorwayUS @NorwayMFA @kareraas #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴

39. #Norway Grønne og humanitære prinsipper fornedret med foreslåtte cull av 42 kritisk truede #wolves #Verdtåbevare! #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴 @kareraas @NorwayMFA @NorwayUS #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴

40. No one should have the power to intentionally extirpate any species from the landscape.

To have the authority to exterminate the majority of a critically #endangeredspecies, and to do so, is scandalous @erna_solberg #RewildYourHeart #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴 #Verdtåbevare #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴

41. Norway’s wolf population has been culled to the critically #endangered level. To eradicate 75% of such a vulnerable species is shocking @erna_solberg @VidarHelgesen #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴 Shame on #Norway #SaveOurWolves🇳🇴

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